[False Claim]
The eagle from the east in Isaiah 46:11 is a prophecy regarding Cyrus, king of Persia, not about Christ Ahnsahnghong.
1. King Cyrus is a copy and shadow of the Second Coming Jesus
We know that the prophecy in Isaiah 46 was fulfilled partially by King Cyrus. This is also testified in the Truth Book.
“The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life,” Ch. 33
These prophecies were fulfilled partially by Cyrus king of Persia who freed the natural Israelites from Babylonian captivity, and their complete fulfillment is to occur in the New Testament times.
Then, can’t the words of Isa 46:11 be a prophecy about the Second Coming Jesus? Yes, it can. Their insistence came from the ignorance about the relationship between King Cyrus and the Second Coming Jesus. Since King Cyrus was a copy and shadow of the Second Coming Jesus, the same work is seen through them. So the Bible prophesies about the two cases through the same prophecy.
2. Repeated accomplishment of a prophecy
3. The evidence that the prophecy of Isaiah was not fully fulfilled by King Cyrus